November 01, 2016

You know that our colors are made without chemicals but have you ever wondered exactly what they are made of? If so, you’re in good company because a lot of people ask us the same question.


All of our colors are extracted from plants. We use beet juice, turmeric, beta- carotene, red cabbage juice, purple grape juice and spirulina. Our Red and Pink are made from beet juice, and our yellow is simply turmeric. For our blue, we use red cabbage juice. You’re right. It would seem that red cabbage juice would yield a red color, but if you notice its actually a purple color and when extracted makes a great blue color. For our orange we use beet juice and beta-carotene, and our purple we use purple grape juice. We also have lime green and sky blue colors. Blending spirulina with turmeric you get a really great lime green color, and spirulina all by itself makes a sky blue color.

In addition to our color extracts, we do also add vegetable glycerin to help carry and thicken our colors as well as less than 1% ethyl alcohol to prevent bacteria from growing. Even this ethyl alcohol is made from a plant – sugar cane.


Now that you know what’s in our natural colors, we’d like to tell you what’s not there. We use nothing synthetic, no chemicals, and no ingredients you can’t pronounce. In short, if it doesn’t come from a living plant, we don’t use it.